Bottomless Book Bag: Realistic Fiction or Historical Fiction.
As you are looking for best-of-the-best in Realistic Fiction genre, I recommend The Paperboy by
Vince Vawter. This Newbery award winner could be considered Historical
Fiction, depending on YOUR age. For me personally, it is realistic as I
am reading about life in a small town in the 1950's. If you were morn
after 1990, it will seem to be more historical. For nostalgia and
vintage seekers, it is one of the most realistic, and accurate to the
times, story I've read. Vawter frequently includes television, movies,
and athletic heroes well known during those "HAPPY DAYS" of 1950 to
More important is the story of an 11 year-old boy who stutters. During this time period, little could be done to help stutterers. Research in providing strategies to overcome traumatic speech problems was sadly lacking. As our hero approaches the trauma of adolescence, he is further stressed while trying to communicate through his stuttering disability. The story is more than how to overcome stuttering. It is about relationships for young boys. It is about becoming an over-comer no matter your personal challenges. It is also an excellent read for parents, teachers, and children who face life trying to communicate as a stutterer. It is realistic and authentic.
The story is built around our hero who is taking a paper route for his friend during summer vacation. Paperboy routes are few and far between in our world today which pushes this book into a second genre of Historical Fiction. It is during the daily travels along his paper route that our hero interacts with memorable adults who greatly impact his life---some good, some not so good. The parents also play a large part in contributing to the heartache and trauma of an 11 year-old boy. This is one of the best books I've read for middle and older elementary readers and their teachers. The Paperboy is the Newbery Award winner for 2014.
The Stuttering Foundation (2023). "Basic Research". Last updated 2023
Wikipedia (2023). "Newbery Medal". Last updated 2023.
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